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Driving Cost Efficiencies & Value Innovation

Derek Banker
What Is Revenue Enablement, and Why Does It Matter?
What Is Revenue Enablement, and Why Does It Matter?
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Derek Banker
Formal Sales Enablement Charters
Formal sales enablement charters Formal sales enablement charters have a tangible business impact. Those with vision and strategy for...
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Derek Banker
A Healthier 'New Normal’
An opportunity to establish an even stronger and more resilient global community, one that practices both physical & mental hygiene.
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Derek Banker
What the Coworking Space Enthusiasts Didn’t Anticipate Was... Fear
Proponents of coworking spaces have long argued that companies managing flexible office space would be able to weather a recession....
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Derek Banker
Coronavirus will likely change the way office space looks and works
If and when you return to your office after the novel coronavirus pandemic, you’ll probably notice some differences.
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Derek Banker
Remain Hopeful
Imagination feeds off the aspirations and aggravations that propel us to seek a better reality. When we lose hope and adopt a passive...
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Derek Banker
Competitiveness & Strategy
Strategic thinking is about syntheses; it involves intuition and creativity. Stakeholders should make their most significant contribution ar

Derek Banker
Value Creation
To become and / or remain competitive, organizations need to innovate. To be truly competitive.

Derek Banker
Sales Management During the Coronavirus Outbreak
With daily news full of alarming and worrying headlines, it’s essential to keep calm and keep in mind that there are still a lot of...

Derek Banker
Working with A Remote Team? Why Now Is More Important Than Ever to Build A Company Culture
Working Remotely: A Complete Guide to Turn You Into a Pro
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Derek Banker
Sense Making Approach in Your Sales Organization
Derek Banker - Sense Making Approach in Your Sales Organization

Derek Banker
Outsourcing Accounting & CFO Services
There’s been an explosion of outsourced accounting. The driver behind it all? Technology

Derek Banker
The Best Virtual Team Building Activities, According to Real Remote Workers
Why is virtual team building important? Loneliness is probably the biggest downside to remote work and can lead to disengagement, which,...

Derek Banker
Remaining Agile & Adapting Faster
ynamic organizations do not wait to see what tomorrow will bring. They shape their futures today.

Derek Banker
Business Development Leaders aren’t just responsible for a function
Business Development Leaders aren’t just responsible for a function; they are leaders of an enterprise. This is a big shift for...

Derek Banker
Reduce Seller Skepticism & Build Customer Confidence
Based on a survey of more than 1,000 B2B customers, a clear lesson emerges about managing customers through the buying journey. When...

Derek Banker
When buyer enablement combines prescriptive advice & practical support
The shift to buyer enablement Gartner coined the term “buyer enablement” to describe the provisioning of information to customers in a...

Derek Banker
For many executives, the coronavirus pandemic is a crisis unlike any other in recent times
Responding to the Coronavirus outbreak & future challenges

Derek Banker
Outsourcing Your Law Firm Advertising? Consider a Lead Generator Checklist
Outsourcing Your Law Firm Advertising? Consider a Lead Generator Checklist

Derek Banker
Creating engagement & community feel for managing virtual workforce meetings/sessions
Creating engagement & community feel for managing virtual workforce meetings/sessions

Derek Banker
Jan 123 min read
Unlocking the Power of Employee Empowerment: A Comprehensive Analysis for Corporate Cultural Transformation
In today's fast-paced business world, employee empowerment has emerged as a powerful driver of success and organizational culture.
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Derek Banker
Jan 63 min read
The Harsh Reality of Denied Benefits for Employees on Short-Term Disability
Consider being a full-time employee who has invested years of effort and loyalty into a company, only to encounter a health crisis...
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